"As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free..."

-Battle Hymn of the Republic

Friday, April 15, 2011

Constitution 301 - Founding "Grandfathers"

If the Constitution is the fruit, and the combined wisdom and knowledge of the founding fathers are the branches and trunk, what are the roots of this inspired document?  In this course we will study the "founding grandfathers" of the Constitution, or in other words, those whose wisdom and knowledge preceded our founding fathers and from whom our founding fathers gathered the data, knowledge, and information necessary to formulate the most dynamic and prosperous government form ever to be created and instituted by man on the earth.  In this course we will study the works of authors such as Montesquieu, Locke, Blackstone, Adam Smith, and even Moses, whose ideas of government and economics were so influential in the formation of our constitutional republic and free market system. 

Materials: TBA

Meeting: Probably monthly for 9 months.

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