"As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free..."

-Battle Hymn of the Republic

Thursday, December 22, 2011



"Every improvement or advance in knowledge is profit to a wise man."
~Noah Webster

Society today is saturated with the belief that the word PROFIT must be defined in terms of monetary gain.  However, if we look back to Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary definition of the word PROFIT, we find that, although monetary gain is mentioned in a few of the definitions, 4 out of the 7 definitions also cite reading and intellectual gains as PROFIT.  (http://www.1828-dictionary.com/d/search/word,profit).

One of the most enlightening definitions of PROFIT is seen here:

"Any advantage; any accession of good from labor or exertion; an extensive signification, comprehending the acquisition of any thing valuable, corporeal or intellectual, temporal or spiritual. A person may derive profit from exercise, amusements, reading, study, meditation, social intercourse, religious instruction, &c. Every improvement or advance in knowledge is profit to a wise man."

Ashamedly, the modern Merriam-Webster Dictionary boasts a lucrative amount of monetary definitions associated with the word PROFIT (4 out of 8) but never once mentions PROFIT in terms of intellectual, social, or spiritual gain.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/profit). 

The most important issue here is:

If you will apply the 1828 definition of PROFIT to yourself, you may discover that you are much more PROFITABLE than you have previously believed!

If, for a time, you have been duped by the false notion that PROFIT is all monetary and you have therefore been a "failure" -  go read a book, exercise, serve someone in your community, or attend a church service, and re-discover that PROFIT is much more than just monetary gain. 

It is improving and advancing your life, and that of others, in social, intellectual, and spiritual ways.

Now GO and have a most PROFITABLE day!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Remembering Christmas of 1777


As we feast upon our abundant Christmas dinner and snuggle by our warm hearths surrounded by family this Christmas, let us take some time to reflect upon Christmas of 1777.  

The setting was Valley Forge where General Washington was encamped with his troops for the winter.  There were no Christmas trees, no gifts, no firesides to warm their frozen bodies, and no family to warm their lonely hearts.  

"During those months at Valley Forge, hundreds of horses died of starvation...More tragic, about twenty-five hundred troops - a full one-quarter of Washington's army - died of cold, starvation, and disease.  Several thousand more deserted, some two thousand of which joined the British in order to secure the basic necessities of food and warm clothing which were virtually nonexistent in the American camp.  Yet those who stayed gave new vitality to the American army.  They knew they had looked death full in the face without quavering.  Those who survived came out of the winter far stronger than they were when they went into it."  (The Real George Washington, p. 272)

Let's take some time to reflect upon and thank those soldiers (and their families!) of Christmas 1777 which made it possible for us to have our Christmas dinner, our warm homes, and our warm hearts this Christmas season.

Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Veteran's Day Parade

November 11, 2011

Murrieta's Annual Veteran's Day Parade turned out to be a wonderful gathering of local patriots.  See a sampling of pictures below, and hopefully you will be inspired to join us next year!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Joseph Andrews was a great success! 

Read the testimonials of a few of the attendees:

"I drove two hours to attend the Constitution seminar and it was well worth the time and effort.  I learned how to identify where our Constitution is being trampled and my understanding has been greatly improved."

"Ignornance is not bliss.  You cannot change things if you aren't aware.  This was a great awakening."

"Joseph Andrews enlightened me with his wealth of information in regards to the founding fathers, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.  What I thought I knew before this semnar is no where near what I need to know in order for me to futher the cause of freedom in this land.  If I want changes within government I first need to be equipped with information in regards to why we have government, what its purpose is in this coutnry, and what the founding fathers' promise was to its citizens.  This seminar has encouraged me to take action to help fulfill that promise."

"I loved learning about the connection between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and evaluating the current political policies in relation to those two documents.  Excellent!"

"Transformed my understanding and interest in my country and history in one day.  Helped me learn what citizenship is all about."

If you would like to be informed of future seminars and other events like this, be sure to sign up for the Temecula Freedom Forum YAHOO!  group.  You can sign up on the link at the top right of this page, or email Brooke McClure at temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com and let us know you'd like to sign up!  It's free and easy to unsubscribe should you choose to do so.  (And of course your email address will never be shared with other parties.)

You may also visit Joseph Andrew's site at http://www.teachconstitution.org/ for more information on his non-profit organization for teaching the Constitution and other founding documents.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Constitution Seminar

Saturday, September 10, 2011
(8:30am Check-in)
41870 Kalmia Street, Suite 110, Murrieta, CA 92592

Joseph Andrews, of The Center for Teaching the Constitution (http://www.teachconstitution.org/) and the National Center for Constitutional Studies (http://www.teachconstitution.org/) will be addressing us.
Mr. Andrews is a national speaker on the Constitution and principles of freedom.

If you have questions or would like to register please email Brooke McClure at: temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com.

Friday, April 15, 2011

General Information

The mission of the Temecula Freedom Forum is to provide an environment for citizens of Temecula, and its surrounding areas, to educate themselves in the principles of freedom as taught and implemented by the founding fathers of this "one nation under God". 
We believe that as we increase education in the principles of freedom, the result will be:
  • Stronger principle-based individuals, who will influence the creation of
  • Stronger principle-based families, who will influence the creation of
  • Stronger principle-based communities, which will influence the creation of
  • A stronger principle-based state, which will influence the creation of
  • A stronger principle-based nation, which will ultimately influence the creation of
  • A stronger principle-based world! 

What's the big idea?
The idea behind the Temecula Freedom Forum is that there are many people of a like-mind in Temecula, and its surrounding areas, who would love to learn about the principles of freedom and implement them in their own lives, homes, and community.  However, these individuals are sometimes like islands unable to connect with each other to produce unified and dynamic change because there is no community structure in place to connect them.  The Temecula Freedom Forum provides this structure to connect like-minded individuals in the community who are seeking to learn the principles of freedom as found in the Constitution of the United States and as espoused by our founding fathers and God.

Where do you start?
It all starts with YOU! We believe the best way to accomplish this goal of creating a principle-based world is to start at the grassroots level -- with individual citizens.  As individuals begin to re-learn and implement the principles of freedom that have been largely lost in our society today, they will have the power to influence real change in themselves, their families, their communities, their state, their nation, and the world.  It all starts with you!

How do you start?
Listed to the right are suggested ideas for courses and colloquium groups which may be offered in our community in the future. 

Currently there are interest lists forming to assess the need and desire of community members with regard to the principles of freedom.  

After reviewing the courses/colloquiums, if you are interested in being part of any of them, please email us at: temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com

In your email, please include which courses/colloquiums you might be interested in attending and what day and time works best for you.

As enough interest accumulates, a mentor becomes available, and a location is secured for those particular courses/colloquiums, you will be notified.

***Note:  These courses/colloquiums are just suggestions and are subject to change depending on the mentor leading each course.  Additionally, we are open to new ideas for future courses/colloquiums if you would like to share your idea with us.

Constitution 101 - Basic Principles of Freedom

After many years of careful study, deliberation, debate, and compromise by those whom we respectfully esteem as our "founding fathers", there came forth the fruit we now know as the Constitution of the United States of America.  Most Americans profess support and love for this document, but do they even know what is says?  If they do know what it says, do they understand what it means?  This course is designed to give citizens a basic understanding of the principles contained in our founding documents.  We will discover and discuss these principles as we study the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution together. 

Materials: A Guide for Learning and Teaching the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution by Joseph Andrews.  Optional: The Making of America by Cleon Skousen

Meeting: Probably weekly for 8 weeks.

To be placed on the interest list, email: temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com

Constitution 201 - Federalist & Anti-Federalist Papers

If the Constitution is the fruit, then what are the branches and trunk from which this fruit sprang?  Or, in other words, what were the arguments that supported the formation of this great document?  In this course we will study The Federalist Papers and  The Anti-Federalist Papers in order to more fully understand the true intent and meaning behind the various articles and sections contained within the Constitution. 

Materials: The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers

Meeting: TBA

To be placed on the interest list, email: temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com

Constitution 301 - Founding "Grandfathers"

If the Constitution is the fruit, and the combined wisdom and knowledge of the founding fathers are the branches and trunk, what are the roots of this inspired document?  In this course we will study the "founding grandfathers" of the Constitution, or in other words, those whose wisdom and knowledge preceded our founding fathers and from whom our founding fathers gathered the data, knowledge, and information necessary to formulate the most dynamic and prosperous government form ever to be created and instituted by man on the earth.  In this course we will study the works of authors such as Montesquieu, Locke, Blackstone, Adam Smith, and even Moses, whose ideas of government and economics were so influential in the formation of our constitutional republic and free market system. 

Materials: TBA

Meeting: Probably monthly for 9 months.

To be placed on the interest list, email: temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com

Founding Fathers

We know the names and dates associated with our glorious U.S. history, but who really were the men and women behind the formation of this great nation under God?  In this colloquium group, we will delve into the lives and characters of our founding fathers (and mothers), by reading such books as The Real George Washington by Parry, Allison, and Skousen, The Real Thomas Jefferson by Allison, Maxfield, Cook, and Skousen, The Real Benjamin Franklin by Allison, Skousen, and Maxfield, and John Adams by McCullough.

Materials: TBA

Meeting: Probably monthly for 9 months.

To be placed on the interest list, email: temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com

Principles of Freedom Colloquium

This colloquium group will gather to discuss literature relating to the principles of freedom.  We will read and discuss such literature as the 5000 Year Leap by Skousen, The Proper Role of Government by Benson, The Law and That Which is Seen and That Which is Unseen by Bastiat, Democracy in America by de Tocqueville, and works by Thomas Paine.

Materials: TBA

Meeting: Probably twice per month for a few months.

To be placed on the interest list, email: temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com 

Key of Liberty (Youth)

This course is designed for youth ages 12-17 (or could be done with adults as well).  In this 9 month course, students will read literature relating to freedom such as The Red Scarf Girl by Jiang, The Making of George Washington, John Adams: The Reluctant Patriot, and others.  They will participate in book colloquiums, essay writing, simulations, and other engaging activities.  They will also memorize the Declaration of Independence and will leave the course having a working knowledge of the Constitution of the United States.

Materials: TBA

Meeting: Probably weekly for 9 months.

To be placed on the interest list, email: temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com

Constitution KIDS!

This course, designed for 8-11 year old children, exposes them to our founding fathers and the basic principles of freedom as contained in our founding documents.  It incorporates music, simulations (hands-on learning experiences), and art. 

Materials: TBA

Meeting: Probably weekly for 4-8 weeks.

To be placed on the interest list, email: temeculafreedomforum@gmail.com